
Quick Search

The Quick Search bar, located in the toolbar, allows for quickly searching for and accessing project files or elements (including subroutines, functions, modules, etc.). While the user can click on the search bar, it is often faster to access it by pressing Control+Q on the keyboard.

The search is performed using a “fuzzy” matching algorithm, which allows for approximate matches of filenames and project elements. While typing a box will appear below the bar with results. Users can either double-click one of the suggested entities in this popup box or use the arrow keys directly to move the selection up and down, pressing enter to open the selected item.

The main benefit of the Quick Search bar is the ability to rapidly open files or navigate to code locations without having hands leave the keyboard to use the mouse.

Optional Traditional Searching

Displayed under the list of possible matching files and program elements are two buttons, labeled “Search Project” and “Search Current File” respectively. Clicking the “Search Project” button will perform a traditional text search within the project, opening the appropriate text search panel, using the contents of the Quick Search bar. Alternatively, the user can simply press the Control key on Windows and Linux or the Option key on macOS along with the left arrow key to perform the text search.

Clicking the “Search Current File” button will perform a standard search within the current editor tab, as if the Find option had been selected from the Edit menu. Pressing F3 will continue searching for the term in the Quick Search bar. Alternatively, the user may press the Control key on Windows and Linux or the Option key on macOS along with the right arrow key while typing in the Quick Search bar to perform this text search in the current editor tab.

See Also

Searching Projects
Search and Replace
The Simply Fortran Interface
Project Management