
Text Output

The following procedures are used for writing text into a window and configuring the style to use while drawing said text.


C void gettextsettings (texttypeinfo)
Fortran subroutine gettextsettings (texttypeinfo)


Retrieves the settings for writing text to the current window


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
texttypeinfo textsettingstype * type(textsettingstype) A pointer to a variable to receive the current settings or the variable to be populated with the current settings

The textsettingstype struct / derived type has the following members:

Member C Type Fortran Type Description
font int integer(kind=c_int) The selected font
direction int integer(kind=c_int) The current text direction (HORIZ_DIR or VERT_DIR)
charsize int integer(kind=c_int) The font size
horiz int integer(kind=c_int) The horizontal text justification (see settextjustify)
vert int integer(kind=c_int) The vertical text justification (see settextjustify)


C void outtext (text)
Fortran subroutine outtext (text, perform_trim)


Writes the specified string to the current window at the current text position. This routine will respect new line characters within the string. After this call, the text position will be the text line below the just-drawn text, effectively adding a line feed after output.


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
text char * character(*) The text to output
perform_trim1 N/A logical True to trim the string (the default behavior), false to use the entire string


C void outtextxy (x, y, text)
Fortran subroutine outtextxy (x, y, text, perform_trim)


Writes the specified string to the current window at the specified graphics coordinates. This routine will respect new line characters within the string. After this call, the text position will be the text line below the just-drawn text, effectively adding a line feed after output. This routine is identical to calling settextxy followed by outtext with the appropriate parameters.


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
x int integer The horizontal coordinate to start drawing text, representing the left-most text position
y int integer The vertical coordinate to start drawing text, representing the top-most text position
text char * character(*) The text to output
perform_trim1 N/A logical True to trim the string (the default behavior), false to use the entire string


C void setmatchthemetextstyle ( )
Fortran subroutine setmatchthemetextstyle ( )


Sets the font face and character height to match the default Windows theme settings.


C void settextxy (x, y)
Fortran subroutine settextxy (x, y)


Sets the graphical position of the top-left corner where text will be output on the next call to outtext.


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
x int integer The horizontal coordinate to start drawing text, representing the left-most text position
y int integer The vertical coordinate to start drawing text, representing the top-most text position


C void settextjustify (horiz, vert)
Fortran subroutine settextjustify (horiz, vert)


Sets the justification of text both horizontally and vertically. The allowed values are:

ID Description
LEFT_TEXT Left-justify text
CENTER_TEXT Center text (horizontally or vertically)
RIGHT_TEXT Right-justify text
BOTTOM_TEXT Bottom-justify text
TOP_TEXT Top-justify text


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
horiz int integer The horizontal text justification (LEFT_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT, RIGHT_TEXT)
vert int integer The horizontal text justification (BOTTOM_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT)


C void settextstyle (font, direction, charsize)
Fortran subroutine settextstyle (font, direction, charsize)


Sets the style of text to be used. The value of font must be one of the following:

ID Description
DEFAULT_FONT The default Windows GUI font
SANS_SERIF_FONT An Arial- or Helvetica-style font
SERIF_FONT A font similar to Times New Roman
CURSIVE_FONT A font appearing to be hand-written
BOLD_SERIF_FONT Same as SERIF_FONT, but in bold
MONOSPACE_FONT A monospace font
WINDOWS_FONT The font used for any static control text

The value of direction may be:

ID Description
HORIZ_DIR Text is horizontally output
VERT_DIR Text is vertically output


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
font int integer The font family to use
direction int integer The direction the text is generated
charsize int integer The size of characters in pixels


C int textheight (textstring)
Fortran function textheight (textstring, perform_trim)


Calculates and returns the height in pixels of a given string based on the current text style settings.


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
textstring char * character(*) The text string for which to calculate the height
perform_trim1 N/A logical True to trim the string (the default behavior), false to use the entire string

Return Value

C int
Fortran integer

The height of the text


C int textwidth (textstring)
Fortran function textwidth (textstring, perform_trim)


Calculates and returns the width in pixels of a given string based on the current text style settings.


Parameter C Type Fortran Type Description
textstring char * character(*) The text string for which to calculate the width
perform_trim1 N/A logical True to trim the string (the default behavior), false to use the entire string

Return Value

C int
Fortran integer

The width of the text


C void useansitext ()
Fortran subroutine useansitext ()


By default, the outtext and outtextxy procedures will treat any text as UTF-8 encoded strings. Calling this routine will permanently switch the application to a mode using legacy ANSI text encoding, limiting strings to system default ANSI codepage as defined by Windows.

If your application expects ANSI text, this routine should be called before creating any windows.

1 Optional named argument