
New Bug Fix and Feature Addition Builds Available

Posted on Nov. 5, 2021

New builds of version 3.21 of Simply Fortran are now available on the Download page for all platforms. The new builds fix some reported bugs related to debugging and new projects, and additional features have been added to Windows distributions.

An issue with the debugging related to launch arguments has been corrected. Launch arguments were not being passed to the underlying debugging engine at all as a result of some behind-the-scenes changes introduced in version 3.20, and the issue has since been corrected. An additional bug related to starting new projects that could cause memory access errors has been eliminated as well in the new builds.

Windows users will find some additions to the AppGraphics library included in the new builds. Specifically, text output routines will now accept an optional parameter regarding whether trimming should occur (as it has by default up to this build). List controls will now properly display scrollbars when applicable. A major issue with application icon assignment has been corrected, meaning the setwindowlargeicon and setwindowsmallicon subroutines should now work properly. Due to changes in text output routines, Windows projects using either AppGraphics or Aplot will need to be rebuilt.

Additional bugs can always be reported directly via any support channel. Approximatrix will always strive to release a functional, reliable product, and we welcome reports of any issues we may have missed.

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