
Version 2.33 Now Available

Posted on Jan. 6, 2017

Approximatrix is happy to announce the availability of Simply Fortran 2.33 for all supported platforms. This latest release includes updated compilers on Windows and macOS platforms, additional features in the integrated development environment, and some transparent bug fixes to improve the user experience.

Windows and macOS packages have been updated with the GNU Fortran compiler version 6.3.0. The upgraded compiler fixes a number of internal compiler errors that may have affected a small subset of users.

The integrated development environment received a number of visible improvements on all platforms. Project names are now displayed in the title bar of Simply Fortran for users who have purchased Simply Fortran once loaded, as requested by users. The new hotkey, Control+Enter on Windows and GNU/Linux, Command+Enter on macOS, will automatically handle line continuation in Fortran source files. When editing block comments, the hotkey will also act intelligently based on the previous line's formatting. The functionality is also available from the editor popup menu. Project files are now generated in a multiline format, which improves compatablity with source control solutions. Project-specific tools on GNU/Linux and macOS can now be loaded and saved, fixing a minor bug blocking their functionality on those two platforms.

The latest release is available immediately on the Download page. Users are encouraged to purchase a Simply Fortran license to ensure its ongoing development.

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