
Version 2.28 Released!

Posted on May 13, 2016

Simply Fortran version 2.28 is now available for both Windows and GNU/Linux systems from Approximatrix. The latest version incorporates minor feature additions for both platforms, an updated compiler on Windows, and new distribution support on GNU/Linux.

Both platforms now support conditional breakpoints within the debugger. After setting a breakpoint, the user may navigate to the Breakpoints listing in the Debugger panel, right-click on the breakpoint, and select "Set Condition..." from the popup menu. The user may then enter any language-allowed expression as a condition for triggering the breakpoint during debugging. The Windows version now ships with the GNU Fortran compiler version 6.1.0. This latest release brings support for Fortran 2008 submodules and includes Approximatrix's OpenMP implementation that is free of dependencies other than Windows itself. The GNU/Linux version has been updated to include the same GNU debugger software as the Windows version, allowing for properly viewing allocatable arrays when debugging Fortran code. The GNU/Linux version is also now shipped as generic archives containing an AppImage executable that will run on any modern distribution, including Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, and countless others.

The latest versions are available on the Windows Download page and the GNU/Linux Download page. Users are encouraged to register their copy of Simply Fortran to ensure its ongoing development.

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