
Simply Fortran 3.32 Released

Posted on Nov. 1, 2023

Approximatrix is happy to announce the availability of Simply Fortran version 3.32 for all supported platforms. This latest release incorporates a number of bug fixes and minor cosmetic improvements, an upgraded macOS compiler, and improvements to the AppGraphics library.

The development environment's Project Outline panel, which will highlight open files, now updates accordingly when editor tabs are closed. A particularly subtle bug that caused closing the remaining editor tab after using the option to "Close Other Tabs" in the tab popup menu to fail has been corrected. On Linux and macOS, tab close buttons are now properly rendered. A possible crashed caused by Internet request, including checking for updates, has been corrected.

On macOS, we have included an updated release for legacy Intel hosts, which should run on any macOS version since 10.6. The "Legacy Host" release includes GNU Fortran 13.2, an integrated debugger, and the associated BLAS, LAPACK, and MPI libraries. Apple Help is now once again used on macOS releases (except for the Legacy Host release) for viewing documentation. The Fortran runtime library on all macOS systems has been fixed to eliminate an infinite warning loop when an abort signal is encountered.

On Windows, certain buttons have been modified to eliminate drawing artifacts. The menu bar on Windows 10 and higher should no longer flash and redraw when a file selection window or settings window is opened. Integration with the SF Package Manager has been improved dramatically to better allow the quick selection of necessary compiler flags in the Project Options window.

The AppGraphics library has received significant updates. Text boxes will now conform to text justification settings specified via settextjustify. Text and fill operations now support specifying a background mode (transparent or opaque) to properly mix text or non-solid fill operations with already-existing background graphics. List boxes and drop down lists can now accept UTF-8 Unicode text. Functions for setting and retrieving integer and floating point numbers from text boxes have been added to eliminate the need to parse or create strings in the developer's code directly.

The latest release is available now on the Download page.

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