
Simply Fortran 3.24 Released

Posted on April 15, 2022

Version 3.24 of Simply Fortran is now available from Approximatrix. The latest release fixes a number of minor issues with the development environment and incorporates some incremental enhancements requested by users. A crash that could be caused by searching the current tab from the toolbar's search box has been corrected. Default monospace fonts on Windows and macOS now default to Consolas and Menlo respectively in an attempt to better match expected platform fonts. Source control operations will force a refresh of the Project Outline to better capture the current state of the local files in regards to source control.

The integrated terminals on macOS and Linux should now properly register keyboard focus or mouse activation, allowing special keys to work in the terminal rather than trigger Simply Fortran accelerators. Integrated terminals on Windows will now be displayed in a font that matches the editor, a problem that has been present since terminals were introduced. Furthermore, the terminals on Windows modify the path such that Simply Fortran's compilers are present regardless of the user- or system-wide paths.

File dialogs on macOS should now suggest file extensions correctly. While they allow any file extension, the software should prompt the user if the file is being saved with an unexpected file extension.

Launching executables on Linux and macOS can now be performed using system calls that allow Simply Fortran to force input/output buffers to flush upon program completion. Some users reported that fast-scrolling standard output could be cut off if the launched program terminated prior to the buffers being fully displayed on screen.

On macOS and Linux, users will be presented with a license acceptance dialog whenever the minor version of Simply Fortran changes. This feature is meant to notify users should the license terms change between minor releases. Windows users would already experience this behavior via the installer.

Minor security enhancements were integrated on macOS to attempt to better deal with macOS's security features. When a project or source file is selected on macOS, permission errors are now caught, forcing the user to manually select and open the file, triggering macOS permissions to be requested properly. This change should mitigate apparent refusal to open pre-existing projects from the Start panel after Simply Fortran upgrades.

The latest version is available now on the Download page.

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